Tuesday, December 12, 2006


[Fabiano's writing is] . . . overflowing with clues that steer the reader to liberate . . . genuine whodunit[s].

Kevin A. Fabiano has just reached National Best Selling Author status for his recently released success ofThe Palace of Wisdom: A Rock and Roll Fable. In his controversial book, Poison:Unlocking Years of FDA Cover-Up, he focuses on chemicals and bacteria we place in our bodies which are approved by the Food & Drug Administration. You will second guess everything that enters your mouth and mind. In his much anticipated third book,The Money Trail, the reader is at the helm to decipher clues that will afford them a chance to win a $1,000,000.00 prize. Release date to be announced. Bookmark this site to increase your chances of becoming a millionaire!


Kevin A. Fabiano's First Novel

The Palace of Wisdom: A Rock and Roll Fable
ISBN: 1424145449
276 pages
Publish America release date of August 23, 2006

Available at:


Barnes and Noble.com

Books A Million.com


Book Reviews

Praise for The Palace of Wisdom: A Rock and Roll Fable

Overflowing with clues that steer the reader to liberate a genuine whodunit. -Amazon.com

[Fabiano] take[s] great care in checking the facts . . . [he’s] writing to an educated reader. -Writers Manual

Suspenseful! -The Pocono Record

The author delves into suspense and the world of technology. -Lillian Brummet Co Author Trash Talk & Towards Understanding

Skillfully researched, suspenseful novel. A must read! -The Times Leader

Suspenseful novel . . . Affords a behind then scene glimpse. -The Wayne Independent

Dear Kevin, Jack [Canfield] At this time, . . . is Wishing you success with your [book]! -Lauren Edelstein Chicken Soup for the Soul

A suspenseful legal thriller.

The Palace of Wisdom: A Rock and Roll Fable is a true legal thriller. A must read.

[T]he most suspense[ful] novel about the music business.

[The novel won] national and international critical acclaim. [A]n uncanny aptitude for research [helps to] create [t]his first novel of fiction.

A great book. It [will] keep [the reader] riveted from beginning to end. It is a must read for anyone who loves twists and turns, or rock n' roll.


The Shortcut: 20 Stories To Get You From Here To There
ISBN: 978-1-4243-2797-3

The Shortcut is available at Author Identity.
This collection of 20 short stories contains my story 'The Rising Star: The Beginning'. It focuses on a young man, Keith Marconi, who uses basketball to better his life and remove himself from the perils of the inner-city. As its title suggest it is only the beginning for the viewpoint character.


Kevin's Favorite Book Clubs

I enjoy this club as it affords readers the opportunity to find out about great mystery books than may not be known to most people. Click here to go to site: http://www.mysterylovers.com/bookclubs/mysteries%20for%20bc.htm

This club provides a good opportunity for those who are interested in discussing their favorite mystery with other readers who enjoy the same genre. Click here to be linked: http://discuss.mysterynet.com/

Good club for those interested in murder mystery. There are others in the groups that will be reading mystery, however, the club in focused on murder mystery. Click here to go to site: https://www.murderbythebook.com/mystery-book-clubs-secure.asp

This club is good for those who want to have a plan to begin a new reader project. They are an organized group that provides reading guides. Click here if interested: http://www.readinggroupguides.com/

Great club. Many books are read that make the reader play detective in the novel to solve the mystery. Click here to decipher the ending: http://www.wiseupbooks.com/


Kevin Fabiano's Interview

A Writer's Manual Interview With Kevin Fabiano


Brain Teasers, Riddles and Puzzles

This is a collection of mind boggling puzzles. The site is devoted to providing puzzle enthusiasts of all ages challenging and fun puzzles. http://www.puzzlersparadise.com/index.html

Great trivia, and the IQ game is a lot of fun. This site has some fierce competition.http://www.terrystickels.com/

The World Puzzle Federation is an international organization dedicated to puzzles. It follows the Olympic standard, and brings together puzzlers from around the world for the annual World Puzzle Championship. http://www.worldpuzzle.org/

On this site you will find some of the best riddles and optical illusions on the Internet. http://www.riddlespot.com/index.php

This site offers a variety of puzzles. Some are classics, some are original content. You'll also find a few illusions, magic tricks and other amusements. For the most part they're intended to be played with simple props, such as coins, or by cutting out paper shapes, away from the computer. http://www.puzzles.com/


Check out my website at www.KevinFabiano.com